Sunday, February 21, 2010

"I Can Do It"

By now, I been so thankful that I got many trials and challenges in life that it made me strong enough to continue living. Thus, I did all these things for I to achieve my dreams in life.
I have a lot of dreams and I want to reach all of these. First, I want to graduate successfully as a accountant. I want to reach this goal, so by now I'm now doing my best just to prove that I can do it! I can do it! I can do it! This is for my future so I should sacrifice and work harder.
I know these sacrifices will leads me to a good future that's why I'm continuing doing it. Regards to a good future, I'm dreaming also to have a successful happy family, but before I do that I should be first help my family. I want that all my brothers will also be graduated successfully.
Have my dreams come true. Good luck to me. I believe as others says,"Do Your Best And God Will Do The Rest."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Change: It Starts With Me

In our country there are lots of problems and lot of things to be improve that's why we should alarm ourselves and other people to those things happened in our country. Improvements are really needed.

As a member of our country, I have a lot of things to d0 in order that I can help improve our country. I can starts with myself. Changes and improvements is needed to me. I want to be a full-disciplined girl or student so that whenever I am now like that I can now be a model to others. And then if that happened the problems regarding to people will lessen and it will probably continuously lessening up. I can sacrifice first for the betterment of our country and hopefully I would like this plan or decision of mine will work successfully.

My fellowmen I am encouraging you to be with me. I hope I could see you all doing like this way. I need your help and cooperation. Thank you for those who will bear with me.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm Enjoying My Life With My ICT Subject

Third grading period is very challenging period in my ICT subject. I learned a lot of things. Inspite of all my mistakes, I have now know what it seems to be the best things to do for my work for it to be as my best masterpiece. Having more about my third grading period, here I can give or share it to you the problems that I met while I'm taking my third grading and also here is the way on how I solve my problem.
Every time I work in the computer, I was worried because I couldn't know what to do. I do not know how I could do my piece in the computer. But anyway, I don't lost hope. I thanked of a way for I to finish my work on time and then no choice I saw my workmate, I asked help from his and then finally I successfully done my work on time. ''Thanks to you my friend.''I said this to my classmate who help me.
Honestly speaking I'm not good enough in using computer that's why every time our teacher gives us work regarding to computer, I couldn't do it on my own. I ask always help from my workmates. By the end of this grading I wish by the next grading I could now know what to do and I wish also that I will learn more about computer.