Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Language is very important to us. Do you know that? Through our language, we are able to communicate to other people and it because of that we are able also to express our feelings to someone. So, let us try to maintain the correct way of using our own language. Language is the only thing we should learn so that we will able to understand what others talking about.

Filipino Language, that’s what our national language so we should be proud of it. Patronize, respect, and hasten it for a good and orderly life. “Practice ourselves to speak Filipino Language,” this is what should we always remember. Always remember also that speaking Filipino is really a very important to our life as Filipino, not only for us but also to other people especially to those who are in other places. Through our language, people around us will easily recognize if who we are and it because of that Filipino Language is called as the key of identity.

In a country, they need to use one or more language for them to understand each other and for them also to talk to other people. We should use our language with fully love and respect. Don’t be ashamed to use it, in the contrary be proud of it.

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